– Terms of Use –
Users of this website (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) operated by Junya Izumi Tax Accountant Office (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) agree to the following terms and conditions of use when using this site.
These Terms of Use are governed by and interpreted in accordance with Japanese law.
Please read the Terms of Use carefully in advance.
This document is a provisional English translation of the Japanese version of the Terms of Use.
For the official Terms of Use, please refer to the Japanese version on this site.
■Privacy Policy
User information will be handled appropriately in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
■ Intellectual property
Intellectual property rights to the text, images, and other content on this site belong to the Office or the rightful owner.
Unauthorized use, including reproduction, transmission, broadcasting, publication, distribution, posting, transfer, lending, translation, adaptation, licensing, reprinting, modification, alteration, or commercial use of any part of this site is strictly prohibited.
■ Changes and Deletions
The Office reserves the right to alter or delete information on this site at any time without notice.
■ Changes to Terms
The Office reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, with or without notice. Your continued use of the site following any changes to the Terms of Use constitutes your acceptance of those changes.
■ Waiver of Rights
The failure of the Office to exercise any right under these Terms of Use shall not be deemed a waiver or forfeiture of such right or any other rights.
■ Disclaimer
1.This site is intended solely for informational purposes. The information provided on this site is intended to offer general information to users and is not a substitute for legal, accounting, tax, advisory, or other professional services. The information is not a complete description of tax, accounting standards, risks, or other related matters.
2.Although the Office has carefully checked and verified the information on this site, it may be outdated or incorrect. The Office does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information. The Office makes no representations or warranties as to the timeliness, availability, accuracy, or completeness of any information contained on this site. No responsibility is assumed for any direct or indirect losses incurred by the use of the information or content contained on this server. The information on this site is to be used at the user’s own risk.
3.Although the information provided on this site may become outdated over time, the Office undertakes no obligation to correct or update any content or information on this site and reserve the right to alter or delete content and information on the sites at any time.
4.The Office shall not be liable to the user for any loss or damage arising from the use of this site or from the unavailability or defect of the site itself, even if the Office could foresee the possibility of such loss or damage in advance.
5.The Office does not guarantee that the site is free of computer viruses or other potentially harmful elements.
■ Disclosure of User Information
If the Office receives an inquiry from the police, a court, or any other public agency that the Office deems to have appropriate authority, the Office may disclose or provide user information, access logs, or other relevant data to such agencies.
■External Links
1.This site may provide certain links or references to other sites that may be useful or of interest to you.
2.The Office makes no guarantees whatsoever regarding the content of such sites.
3.The Office neither controls, endorses, promotes, nor has any affiliation with any other site unless expressly stated herein or on such a site.
4.The Office has no responsibility for, and makes no representations about, the content, accuracy, or any other aspect of information on such linked sites or references. The Office will not be liable for any damages or injury arising from your access to such sites or content.
5.In principle, you are free to link to this site. However, the following links are strictly prohibited:
- Links from sites that include content that defames, libels or slanders the Office, our products, or our services, or that damages the credibility of the Office.
- Links from sites that include content that is offensive to public order and morals.
- Links from sites that post illegal content or are or may be involved in illegal activities.
- Links from sites that use frames or other techniques to conceal or disguise that the content belongs to the Office.
■ Contact Form
1.No relationship between the Office and a client is created based on information submitted using the contact form provided by this site.
2.The Office may refuse to respond to any inquiry that the Office deems inappropriate, and the Office is under no obligation to disclose the reason for such refusal.
3. Please use the contact form at your own risk. The Office assume no responsibility whatsoever for any disadvantages or damages resulting from the use of this form.
4.Personal information provided in the contact form will be handled appropriately within the scope of the purposes of use stipulated in the privacy policy of this site.
■ Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Any disputes arising under these terms will be resolved in the courts of Japan.